Mental Health Services

Dragon Fly Helpers

 Dragon Flies are one of the many helpers in creation. Mid-summer they arrive and begin to eat the mosquitos and black flies that have spent weeks leaving itchy bite marks on our bodies. Everything in creation has a purpose and the dragon fly is no exception.

Dragon Fly Messengers

The Dragon Fly community arrives in large numbers and we know that it is a matter of days before we will be enjoying the outdoors again. Dragon flies are the messengers that tell us it’s time to harvest the sweetgrass medicine.

Sweet Grass Medicine Helper

The sweet grass teaches us the importance of being connected to community. When an individual blade of grass is alone it can break easily. When the grass is gathered together, cared for and braided together with other blades of grass, the braid becomes very strong and hard to break.

Creation teaches us that it’s ok to reach out for help

We all need community and to feel like we belong. We all have a spirit and a purpose in life. Bear Waters Gathering is a community of counselors and elders who are would like to support you through life’s challenges.